Lake District Building Contractor

space + place

Staircase installed by builders underbarrow.
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Barn Rennovation Done By Builders in Kendal

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Use our depth of knowl­edge in design, prop­er­ty ren­o­va­tion and house build­ing to realise your true one‑off home in The Lake District.

Our track record in res­i­den­tial devel­op­ment and con­struc­tion has led us to offer ren­o­va­tors and self-builders an oppor­tu­ni­ty to bold­ly recre­ate their space and place. Co-cre­at­ing the best-built home makeover projects. Big and small, but always tasty.

From a firm foot­ing, call­ing the right deci­sions at the right times, and plan­ning well ahead, we can be there with a good eye and com­mit­ted approach to keep things on track.

At con­cept stage we can work with your require­ments and advise on how to max­imise your prop­er­ty’s full poten­tial. Offer­ing ideas through CAD and 3D mod­el­ling, iden­ti­fy key team play­ers, advise on plan­ning per­mis­sion and any miss­ing infor­ma­tion. Dur­ing con­struc­tion, inte­ri­or fit-out and fur­nish­ing, our Kendal builders and ded­i­cat­ed local trades team deliv­er high-qual­i­ty projects focused on the finest finish.

We act fast, work hard and crack on with what needs to be done to deliv­er the best pos­si­ble out­come and timescale.

Roj House Kendal Builders Spring Howe Barn Conversion Under Construction

The ever evolv­ing art and sci­ence of co‑creating a fine­ly honed, hon­est home

Open plan lifestyle

Our nat­ur­al approach to a home redesign is to open the build­ing up at its core – cre­at­ing a social space that com­mands prime of place with well con­nect­ed ancil­lary accom­mo­da­tion that seam­less­ly sup­port the ways of mod­ern liv­ing. Fam­i­lies have wild timeta­bles nowa­days, so catch­ing qual­i­ty moments togeth­er is ever so important.

Kitchen Built by Kendal Building Firm Kendal Contruction Company Pattinson House 8


The beat­ing heart of a home sees plen­ty of action, it should func­tion for every­one and their culi­nary desires. Space for peo­ple to cook togeth­er, face the hob into the room, make it social. Free­stand­ing cook­ing and din­ing islands work real­ly well, as do walk-in pantries and herb gardens.

Metic­u­lous plan­ning and prac­ti­cal accu­ra­cy is key to a suc­cess­ful fit. Keep in mind the gold­en tri­an­gle of sink, fridge and hob – keep them close togeth­er, it’s bet­ter for the chef.

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Roj house Ferry House kitchen


Our safe havens – an escape place to unwind and pam­per. A good look­ing bath­room relies on keep­ing a close eye on the fine lines and lev­els through­out the build.

Space plan­ning is mas­sive. A bath­room has mul­ti­ple func­tions and space is often com­pro­mised – always main­tain good mar­gins between the bath, basin and toilet.

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Roj house Pattinson house bathroom Silestone sink

Places for every­thing, spaces for everyone

We’re keep­ing more clob­ber these days. Plan­ning a ren­o­va­tion project is the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­sid­er where and how every­thing is going to fit togeth­er. We strive to find a use for every nook and cranny.

It’s good to incor­po­rate qui­et places to escape to around the house, spots for when every­one needs their qual­i­ty qui­et time. Gar­den rooms are a great addi­tion, they’re pri­vate, mul­ti­func­tion­al spaces, clos­er to nature.

Sunny Hill 1134 copy
Spring Howe 08

We are a dynam­ic team of builders and trades­peo­ple, based in Under­bar­row, near Kendal. Our projects extend through­out South Cum­bria and The Lake District. 

If you’re look­ing to build some­thing a bit spe­cial, get in touch, and we can chat through your require­ments and con­sid­er where we can help. 

Then let us spend time with you on site to real­ly under­stand what you need and we will pro­vide you with a brief report, agree­ment and fee proposal.