Lake District Building Contractor

30 years of graft across all aspects of the build­ing indus­try, with long estab­lished roots in The Lakes and North Lan­cashire, we have grown an exten­sive net­work of local trades, pro­fes­sion­al bod­ies, con­sul­tants and essen­tial resources.

Roj Hughes Kendal

We Work in Kendal, the Lake Dis­trict and South Cumbria

We are a dynam­ic team of builders and trades­peo­ple, based in Under­bar­row, near Kendal. Our projects extend through­out South Cum­bria and The Lake District. 

If you’re look­ing to build some­thing a bit spe­cial, get in touch, and we can chat through your require­ments and con­sid­er where we can help. 

Then let us spend time with you on site to real­ly under­stand what you need and we will pro­vide you with a brief report, agree­ment and fee proposal.