Lake District Building Contractor

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Using the lat­est tech to cap­ture 3D space

We like to be ahead of the curve and make use of the lat­est avail­able tech­nol­o­gy. We use a scan­ning and mea­sure­ment process that trans­forms real-life spaces into immer­sive dig­i­tal-twin mod­els – empow­er­ing us to cap­ture and con­nect rooms, doc­u­ment­ing a ref­er­ence to use through­out a project.

3d model mockup

AI soft­ware then our turns scans and spa­cial mea­sure­ments into an inter­ac­tive 3D mod­el, iden­ti­fy­ing objects with­in rooms, recon­struct­ing the space into an immer­sive vir­tu­al tour and floor plans that resem­ble a pho­to­re­al­is­tic dolls house. 

This allows for excel­lent col­lab­o­ra­tion as the mod­el can be anno­tat­ed with links, notes or videos and shared between the team and client, mak­ing pre­cise data shar­ing high­ly efficient.

The mod­el can also be used to accu­rate­ly mea­sure dimen­sions of any fea­ture and pro­duce scale floor plans, form­ing the basis of a projects work­ing draw­ings for remodelling.

(Please click here if you are look­ing for builders in Kendal).