Lake District Building Contractor

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Pin­ter­est — a great source of inspiration

Deter­mine your inte­ri­or design style – is it clean lines + min­i­mal or ruined château, shab­by chic? Do you like a hard­er indus­tri­al look with hard­er edges? Or you may pre­fer the soft­er Scan­di­na­vian design with a nat­ur­al + neu­tral set­ting, leav­ing plen­ty of room for bold, colour bomb­ing personalisation.

Spring howe bathroom

What­ev­er your taste, Pin­ter­est is a great place to start. If your not a mem­ber get your self signed up to start cre­at­ing some mood’ boards. For full house ren­o­va­tions it’s a good idea to cre­ate sep­a­rate boards for dif­fer­ent rooms and spaces. You can add oth­er peo­ple too so they can view the boards and add their own pins if they wish.

The image shar­ing site allows you to explore pic­tures of spe­cif­ic search terms or indi­vid­u­als boards. As you explore and start pin­ning’ Pin­ter­est begins to learn what you like and leads you towards your pre­ferred trends in design.

This is the eas­i­est way for your design­er or con­trac­tor to know exact­ly what you want. Be spe­cif­ic. Point out what you like or don’t like about a par­tic­u­lar design and have them browse the boards to get a good idea of your taste and style.

Over time we have gath­ered quite a col­lec­tion of cre­ative ideas on our ROJ page. Frankly most of the pins are of pieces or set­tings we haven’t had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to cre­ate yet — our col­lec­tion of poten­tial pipeline projects. If you like the look of any­thing do let us know. 

IMG 2972

Keep your eyes peeled, there’s good design around every cor­ner, pho­to­graph it and pin it to a board on your Pin­ter­est.

Before you go, please click here if you are look­ing for Kendal builders.