Lake District Building Contractor


Pat­tin­son House, cre­ative con­ver­sion of a tra­di­tion­al lake­land property

Webres 171221 Roj Huges Pattinson House 11

We cre­at­ed six super styled stu­dios with­in this tra­di­tion­al lake­land prop­erty­. Boast­ing sig­nif­i­cant links to cen­turies of local her­itage, as the for­mer oper­a­tional head­quar­ters for gen­er­a­tions of the Pat­tin­son fam­i­ly. Respon­si­ble for shap­ing much of the built envi­ron­ment of The Lake Dis­trict since the 16th Century.

The per­mit­ted devel­op­ment rights allowed us to con­vert the build­ing from offices into six suites unre­strict­ed by occu­pan­cy. The open plan lay­out was fit­ted out to accom­mo­date hol­i­day mak­ers on longer stays with all the com­forts of home despite being only 45 square meters in size. 

Mak­ing ref­er­ence to George H Pat­tin­son col­lec­tion of local­ly designed and built steam­boats we named the suites Pene­lope, Swal­low, Kit­ti­wake, Sham­rock, Osprey and Esper­ance. Each indi­vid­u­al­ly styled and coloured accord­ing to its name. 

To achieve max­i­mum poten­tial from the build­ings foot­print we removed the inter­nal stair­case and erect­ed an exter­nal stair. The engi­neer was briefed to design with min­i­mal sup­port­ing posts. As a result only two four inch posts are anchored to the ground and each of the four storey flights are cranked there­fore self supporting.

IMG 2898

Pat­tin­son House was one of many tra­di­tion­al Lake­land build­ings we were respon­si­ble for con­vert­ing to res­i­den­tial units over the years. Oth­ers include Chapel Rid­ding, Crown Rigg and The Roy­al Hotel, all around the Win­der­mere area. All 6 units sold and lease­hold hand­ed over Octo­ber 2022.

Before you go, please click here if you are look­ing for builders in Underbarrow.