Lake District Building Contractor

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Why larch is an ide­al cladding material


Larch is a high­ly resinous soft­wood from the conifer tree that grows across the north­ern hemi­sphere. The high resin con­tent pro­vides min­i­mal move­ment and sta­bil­i­ty and it is nat­u­ral­ly resis­tant to insect infes­ta­tion and most dis­eases such as rot.

British larch ranges in colour from pinky-brown in the heart­wood, to creamy-white in the sap band. Depend­ing on the grade, there will be some or many dark brown knots and occa­sion­al resin pock­ets along the length of the board.

The shapes and pat­terns of the growth rings are very aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleas­ing and pro­vide real char­ac­ter mak­ing it an ide­al cladding material.

Larch weath­ers rel­a­tive­ly slow­ly, often tak­ing two years to reach a sil­ver-grey pati­na – which is quite con­sis­tent and is not reac­tive, as such, will weath­er rel­a­tive­ly even­ly. Norther­ly ele­va­tions may weath­er to a dark­er grey than those fac­ing South.

It’s low main­te­nance due to its high resin con­tent so no need to add pro­tec­tive coats.

It can be sourced from local sus­tain­able forests and processed at near­by mills or by the increas­ing num­ber of mobile tim­ber mills now oper­at­ing around The Lakes.

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So it shapes up pret­ty well com­par­ing Larch to oth­er alter­na­tives. Espe­cial­ly when It’s also cheap­er than pret­ty much any oth­er suit­able product!

Before you go, please click here if you are look­ing for builders near Kendal.